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Blog: 3 Biggest Benefits for Employers Who Choose Mac Today

Blog: 3 Biggest Benefits for Employers Who Choose Mac Today

Enterprise organizations are increasingly offering employees a technology device choice. When you give your employees a choice in the devices, tools, and technology they use every day, you empower them to do their very best work.

In the context of the global hybrid-workplace movement, more employers are looking to integrate Mac into their organizations.

Supercharged by the Apple M1 chip, MacBook Air is up to 3.5x faster than before. Aside from the latest hardware and software improvements, here are three key reasons why large employers should start considering Mac now:

Support the devices that more employees want

Employees want devices that keep them connected, collaborative, and secure.

A recent study from Jamf found that 68% of enterprise workers say that technology choice makes them more productive. And of those who get to choose, more than two-thirds say they’re more likely to choose to work or stay at a company that offers device choice.

What's more, the study found that three out of four employees would pick a Mac over a PC if given the choice. 

See better experiences for your IT team 

It’s no wonder more workers are asking for Macs to get the job done. But can your technology infrastructure support it?

Research has shown that an IT professional can set up a Mac in just 5 minutes—12 times less than the hour it takes for a PC. In the context of the global hybrid-workplace movement, more employers are looking to integrate Mac into their organizations.

And, with Apple your employees can use all the business apps you need, from Excel, Zoom, Slack, and such more.

Mac costs less in the long run

A new Total Economic Impact report from Forrester found that a single Mac can cut the risk of a data breach in half and reduced IT support costs to the tune of of $12.4M over three years.

With fewer support tickets, less software needed, and higher residual value, the savings add up compared with a PC. 

Mac means business, and CompuCom does too.

The good news: our partnership with Apple is stronger than ever.

We've designed a collection of end-to-end services to make it easy to build and manage your digital workplace. Empowering your employees to choose Mac, while simplifying how you distribute, connect, and control those devices.

Visit Digital Workplace for Mac to learn more about why now is the time to deploy Mac.