Blog: Lessen Your IT Support Load With Device as a Service for Apple
It used to create friction when employees asked for Apple products. IT departments usually didn’t provide support for both Mac and PC platforms. Nowadays, a mixed IT platform is increasingly common, and organizations are reaping the productivity benefits of user choice. Still, it leaves IT with the burden of having to support an organization’s dual-platform system.
There is another way. With Compucom Device as a Service for Apple, you get access to the latest products and services your employees demand. At the same time, you remove ITs responsibility to manage, maintain, and support a continually changing fleet of devices, resulting in an improved end-user experience, and increased freedom for IT to focus on strategic initiatives.
The benefits of Device as a Service are pretty clear. Improved device management, end to end lifecycle services, and cost savings are things everyone can get behind. It’s pretty easy to explain these benefits to your constituents and colleagues, and of course, sourcing, finance, and accounting can’t resist saving money and improving efficiencies.
But for IT teams, it comes down to how DaaS improves their day-to-day operations. They want to see real-world benefits that not only decrease their spending but also increase their productivity in delivering positive end-user experiences. And no other company helps deliver the end-user experience that workers demand, complete with a trusted ecosystem of products and services, like Apple.
What Makes a Mac a Mac
Power and flexibility are what makes a Mac a Mac. But there’s a fine line between enterprise device control and what kind of a device a user wants to work on. The technologies employed within the DaaS for Apple solution are designed to be lightweight, flexible, and dynamic, while at the same time providing Apple’s best-in-class security with minimal tradeoffs to the end-user experience and expectations.
Behind the scenes — making DaaS for Apple work — are CompuCom’s dedicated Apple experts and Apple Business Manager. Apple Business Manager works with your existing Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution, or you can choose to use the MDM solution provided by CompuCom. Among its capabilities are:
- Automated MDM enrollment
- Parity between mobile and desktop configurations
- Enterprise application distribution from trusted developers
- User Approved MDM Profiles (UAMDM)
- Ease of device configuration
- Managed software updates
- Improved enterprise license management
- Integrated security and policy controls
- The ability to move and reassign licenses between end-users and business units
Additionally, best practices are a built-in part of Apple devices by design, with security being at the forefront. You can sleep easy with Apple’s application sandboxing and code signing ensuring that what’s being pushed out to your end users is free of malware and other cybersecurity risks.
The Transforming Role of IT
Any time you can introduce greater efficiencies in the management of IT assets, resources are freed up to work on strategic projects, process improvements, the realization of the goals of individual business units, and the digital transformation of the enterprise as a whole.
CompuCom’s Device as a Service for Apple provides an affordable option for managing and deploying iOS and Macintosh devices throughout your enterprise environment.